

Frequently Asked Questions

There are many factors that can affect which option is the right fit for you, including the size of your roof, the amount of annual sun exposure, shading, roof condition, annual power consumption, and your tax liability. Our expert consultants will work with you to determine which route of makes the most sense for you. In almost every scenario, either option is better than staying with your traditional utility for electricity.

When filing your tax returns, you’ll simply complete a form to claim your solar tax credits. The federal credit is currently for 26% of your total system cost, and the state credits vary from state to state. If you cannot claim the entire amount of credits in the first year, you can claim the remaining amount in future years.  Please consult with your tax adviser on claiming these tax incentives. In some states, there are even additional incentives for converting to a renewable energy source, on top of available tax credits.

There is no penalty if you decide to pay of your solar powered system early. Many customers take their incentives and apply them towards paying off their system. As soon as you do this, your system provides you free power!

Even with little to no tax liability, solar energy can still makes a lot of sense for you! Think about it, you still have a monthly bill for electricity, and chances are you’ve noticed your rate for electricity consistently go up over the years. Not only would you use a clean and renewable energy source you can lock in a fixed rate for power. In most cases, going green saves you a lot of money, even if you can’t claim the tax credit. Your system will have a 20+ year warranty, and they are predicted to have a useful life of 10-20 years beyond the warranties.

The good news is your equipment is backed by a long term, 20-25 year manufacturer’s warranty! You can rest easy knowing your decision to go solar is safe. One of the main reasons your renewable energy system is so durable, is simply because there are no moving parts.